Tiny Houses

Tiny houses are homes that are under 1,000 square feet. All across America there are tiny house communities appearing. There are tiny homes beginning to appear in Greensboro, some of those are people who want to downsize others are looking for a place they can call home. The CC-ED has been involved with this tiny house movement in Greensboro since the summer of 2014.

We have compiled our research into a page full of helpful links. This list is not complete, so remember to check back for updates!

Tiny House projects in the Traid:

This is a research book that a intern (now Fellow) wrote about her early tiny house research. http://issuu.com/nataliejohnson4/docs/tiny_house_2

This explains a bit about what tiny houses are and info on the housing standards in America.http://www.sustainablebabysteps.com/tiny-house.html

This website has many resources including a map of tiny house builders, people and events in NC and all across America. http://tinyhousenc.com/

Blogs about tiny houses:

* The Center for Community-Engaged Design does not control or monitor the information posted on websites listed above.