The table below outlines the luminance constrast between focal to background to help attract attention and develop visual hierarchies in the built environment [1]:
Perception of Contrast | Effect | Potential Application | Luminous Contrast |
Negligible | barely recognizable focal effect | office artwork, retail sales rack | 2 to 1 |
Perceptible | recognizable focal effect | task and adjacent surroundings | 3 to 1 |
Marginal (subtle to moderate luminance) | meaningful focal effect | fine dining artwork, office lobby artwork, residential artwork, retail special displays | 10 to 1 |
Strong (strong luminance) | strong focal effect; glary in most situations | between luminaires or windows and adjacent surfaces | 20 to 1 |
Very Strong | glary | should not exceed this ratio anywhere within normal field of view | 40 to 1 |
Dominant (very strong to intensive luminance) | strong significant centerpiece effect | retail high-end display, premiere architectural or artwork feature | approaching 100 to 1 |