Humans of IARc – Navid Hajhashemi

Humans of IARc – Navid Hajhashemi

Posted on April 19, 2019

“I’ve learned to have patience and not being afraid to fail. For example, if you are doing a project for studio, don’t be afraid to fail at your first try. Have patience. Redo it over and over again. No matter how long it takes. Don’t give up so quickly. If I want something I should have patience and I should have consistency in the work I create to achieve the goal. If you look at other successful people, they didn’t achieve that success, that joy, in one night. They achieved success over a length of time. They failed, they tried again, they failed, and tried again, until they succeed. We see their success and joy and think that it happened all at once. But that’s not right. It happens over time. Also, passion is important. Really think about if this is something that you want to do. IARc becomes a home for many of us but you really have to think about if this program is something that fits you, with your personality, your character, and what you want in life. I always say, if you really want to be successful in something you have to have passion for it, you have to really like it and never tire of it. The easiest work in the world can be boring and not rewarding but if you have a passion for it you can get the most from whatever it is. Just remember, you come to college to fail. We are all here to fail and you can do it here, in a safe place, where no one will judge you, no one will fire you from messing up here. Don’t be scared. You’ll gain more from the failure and the lessons you learn from that failure.” – Navid Hajhashemi, 4th year IARc Major, graduating Spring 2019