Internships | Interior Architecture


In IARc, you will gain professional knowledge and skills for a successful career. You will learn by stepping outside the classroom to turn your knowledge into application. Internships are invaluable for helping determine which career path most interests you. Therefore, it is best to achieve various work experiences before your required professional internship taken after the completion of the third year.

Internships must be approved by the department and require a minimum of 240 hours of work at a single site in one semester. Internships can be arranged in any city, state, or country. Venture outside your comfort zone to get the best experience possible.

Students are responsible for arranging their internships, a process that begins by meeting with the Internship Coordinator, and reviewing the internship handbook provided on the student portal. Working with the Internship Coordinator, students, and their internship mentors will develop resources and strategies for achieving your learning objectives.

Internship Handbook      Internship Agreement        Experiential Learning Agreement



Amanda Gale
Assistant Professor, Interior Architecture
Internship Coordinator
Gatewood Studio Arts Bldg. Room 102