

Edit Luminaire Options in AGi32 [00:03:19]

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... to Luminaire Definition in AGi32 [00:01:24]
... to Luminaire Location Options in AGi32: Locate [00:01:10]
... to Luminaire Location Options in AGi32: Locate and Orient [00:01:15]
... to Luminaire Location Options in AGi32: Locate and Aim [00:01:20]
... to Dynamic Array in AGi32 [00:03:16]

Video Transcript:

  • In this segment we will make a few changes to the luminaire options. Switch to one of the elevation views, say the east elevation. The luminaires are right behind one another.
  • Let’s say we would like to change the height of one of the luminaires. We can do that by choosing the second button in the modify option: Select change height. Right now it is 9’. We can change it to 7.5’
  • You can use edit luminaire option to make several other changes to the location of the luminaire. You will notice that the mounting height here is the distance along the z-axis. Luminaire position can be further defined such as orientation (applied about z-axis), tilt (applied about y-axis), roll (applied about x-axis), and spin (applied about z-axis) in AGi32. A positive Spin is then identical to Orient when no other angles are applied. However, once a Tilt or Roll has been applied, the Spin angle operates in the Local coordinate system whereas the Orient angle continues to act Globally.
  • Using the edit luminaire feature, you can also switch a luminaire on or off.


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